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Keynote speakers

  • David Boromisza-Habashi, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Associate Professor David Boromisza-Habashi is an ethnographer of communication interested in the study of culturally variable communication resources, the local knowledge informing their use in everyday life, and their global dissemination. His first book, Speaking Hatefully: Culture, Communication, and Political Action in Hungary, is an ethnography of public debates surrounding “hate speech” in Hungary during the first decade of the twenty-first century. At present, he is leading a collaborative, translocal research project investigating how “public speaking,” a communication resource of Anglo origin, circulates in the global speech economy. [Read more]


  • Divina Frau-Meigs, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, France

Divina Frau-Meigs teaches at the Sorbonne Nouvelle. Recently, she co-edited Public Policies in Media and Information Literacy in Europe. Cross-Country Comparisons (Routledge). She also works for UNESCO, and she coordinates multiple international research projects. [Read more